免费大赛,2019荷兰Graphic Matters海报大赛征集

2019-06-24  4793 分类:设计资讯

免费大赛,2019荷兰Graphic Matters海报大赛征集


2019荷兰Graphic Matters海报大赛征集

2019 Graphic Matters Poster Competition


Graphic Matters海报显示了复杂信息的影响,如数据可视化,信息图表,手册和制图对我们的社会。在前所未有的信息访问时代,设计师的工作为世界带来了清晰度。展览,研讨会,脱口秀和活动计划突出了过去一百年的信息图形。

平面设计师从混乱中创造秩序,洞察复杂的事物,并有能力创造情感反应。 他们可视化紧急主题,以便每个人都可以在眨眼之间理解它们。









获奖海报将在Graphic Matters期间展出,获奖的动态海报也将在阿姆斯特丹的DEMO节期间展出。






您允许打印限量版; 一个给你,一个用于展示,最多10个用于销售。


您声明根据Creative Commons 3.0许可提交您的设计。







- A3 (29,7 X 42 cm)

- 最大 5 MB / 200 dpi

- 颜色格式 CMYK

- 简短描述; 20-100字。

- 获胜者需要提交一个高清格式 A0文件。

- 每个人最多可以提交3张海报。



分辨率1080 x 1920像素





将您的移动海报上传到Vimeo,Youtube,Dropbox或Google Drive,并将其粘贴到下面的表单中。 确保我们可以访问您的文件!

2017 大赛获奖者及展览现场

主题:Shut Up Speak Up!


Poster Project

Show us your information superpower!

Our world-view is generated by algorithms. Data is ever-present and all around us. More than ever we need people who are openminded and are critical about the information that is presented to them on a silver platter.

Graphic designers create order out of chaos, give insight in complicated matters and have the power to create an emotional response. They visualize urgent topics so everyone can understand them in the blink of an eye.

In the post-digital age the poster is still a powerful tool to communicate important topics. With this Open Call we call upon designers from all over the world to design a poster on a topic they care about!

Climate change, plastic soup, fast fashion, fake news, fear mongering, privacy or a personal matter. Everything is allowed, as long as you use your ‘information superpower’!

Make a poster in the form of a data visualization, infographic, map or user manual. Keep in mind that your poster has to be legible from three meters distance!

For the first time we also allow moving posters! The winning posters will be displayed during Graphic Matters, the winning moving posters will also be displayed during DEMO festival in Amsterdam.

Submit your posters now!

Deadline is August 11th.

Watch the trailer below!

Terms & conditions

If you want to participate you have to agree to our terms and conditions:

You give permission to exhibit the poster during the festival and following presentations.

You give permission to use the design for promotional purposes.

You give permission to print a limited edition; one for you, one for display and a maximum of 10 for sales.

You allow the proceeds of the sale will to be donated to the project.

You declare to submit your design under Creative Commons 3.0 license.

You promise to submit new or previously unpublished work.

You can only submit via our website.

You can submit a maximum of three entries (and one moving poster) per designer/studio.



Moving Poster

Resolution 1080 x 1920 pixels

9:16 ratio

25 frames per second

MP4 (H.264 codec)

Video must be exactly 10 seconds

Upload your moving poster to Vimeo, Youtube, Dropbox or Google Drive and paste it in the form below. Make sure we can access your file!


A3 (29,7 X 42 cm)

max 5 MB / 200 dpi

CMYK color mode

Keep your explanations brief – 20-100 words

Keep in mind winners need to submit a new A0 file.

You can submit a maximum of 3 posters.



If your file is uploaded successfully you will instantly receive confirmation on screen and via email. No confirmation? First check your junk mail and please try again. Make sure your file matches the required specs.

Questions or problems?

Having trouble or questions? Read the FAQ down below or get in touch via info@graphicmatters.nl.

How to submit my poster?

> By using the form.

My pdf file is too large for uploading!

> Via smallpdf.com you can easily compress your pdf-file.

Can a submit a silk screen print of 3D posters?

> Sure, upload a mock-up and explain in the description area.

Can I collaborate with other designers?

> Of course, we love you to do so! Mention your collaboration in the description area.

Why do you sell the posters?

> We are a non-profit organisation and don’t make a profit from the sales, the proceeds are used to pay the cost of this competition. The posters are sold as print-on-demand (50x70cm) with a maximum of 10.

Early Nerd €10,-

Normal €12,-

All Days €20,-

Normal (students ) €6,-

All Days (students) €10,-

Ticket Info

Graphic Matters 2019 will take place between 20th of September and the 27th of October

* workshops not included

a ticket will give you acces to all exhibitions and events* on the dayyou choose to visit!

want to visit multiple days? Buy an ‘All Days’ or ‘Early Nerd‘ ticket!

Early Nerd

You get access to all events, exhibitions and everything during the entire duration of the festival.

As an extra bonus you get a limited enamel pin to show everyone (and us) you are a supporter and fan and lover of Graphic Matters. Wear it loud and proud!

Early Nerd tickets are available for a limited time only


Students get a 50% discount on all tickets (except for the Early Nerd)!

Everything you need to know to plan your visit to Graphic Matters 2019.

Opening Hours

Graphic Matters starts on 20th of September and ends on 27th of October

Monday: CLOSED

Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00

Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00

Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00

Friday: 10:00 – 17:00

Saturday 12:00 – 17:00

Sunday: 12:00 – 17:00


Tickets are available online or during the festival at the ticket office.

Get your tickets online here.


By Car

Navigate to Stokvishallen 173, Breda, Netherlands.

Don’t have navigation? Take the exit 17 at Breda-Noord,  go right and and follow the ‘Backer en Ruebweg’ and make a right when you reach the ‘Konijnenberg’. Take a right here and take another right! You can park your car and make your way to the ticket office from here.


You can park for free at the end of the ‘Speelhuislaan’.

By Train

Get out at Breda Central Station. Walk to the Belcrum side of the station. Continue on the Speelhuislaan d and follow it until the end! It’s just a 10 minute walk.

Follow this Google Maps route!

Blind Walls Gallery tours

Every Sunday you can join a tour along the many murals of Blind Walls Gallery! Visit this website for more info.


Planning on visiting with your school, company or another large group (of at least 30 people)? Then please send an email to ailis@graphicmatters.nl and we will inform you about the possibilities!


Want to visit Graphic Matters with your school?

Download the GM19 – Education handout or send an email to ailis@graphicmatters.nl

We offer a 20 minute introduction lecture that will make students experience the festival more consciously.

The introduction will be held several times a day, or by appointment.

More questions?

Still haven’t found what you’re looking for? Send an email to niek@graphicmatters.nl or reach out to us on Facebook!


Graphic Matters takes places in Belcrum, a vibrant district of the city Breda. All exhibitions and events are spread over several locations.

We’ll release more info about the program very soon!

Keep an Eye Masterclasses


We’re excited to announce that over the next 3 years, Keep an Eye Foundation and Graphic Matters

Stichting Graphic Design Festival Breda

Hoornwerkstraat 1

4814 AN Breda

The Netherlands

tel. +31(0)76-8879935


Business Info

If you’re in business with us, you might want to know:

trade register no. 20134813

tax. no. NL 8186 59 579 B02

IBAN NL91 RABO 0139 2354 18

Graphic Matters is an international, biennial festival about graphic design. An extensive programme shows the importance of graphic design and how it impacts our daily lives.

We often don’t realise that graphic designers help us by carving order out of chaos, providing an overview of complex matters or speaking to our emotions. They visualise urgent issues so we can understand them quickly.

The seventh edition of Graphic Matters takes place from September 20th until October 27th 2019, in- and around the Stokvishallen in Breda.

An elaborate exhibition about Information Design shows the highlights of the past hundred years. Current developments become tangible in a programme of exhibitions workshops, talkshows and events.

Our programme isn’t just dedicated to designers, but also to the curious individual and anyone that deals with any kind of information professionally (journalists, analysts, scientists, statisticians, marketeers).

信息来源:荷兰Graphic Matters海报大赛

