
2017-11-13  6589 分类:设计资讯






国际雷鬼海报比赛(IRPC)是一种主动积极的国际雷鬼文化旨在庆祝。比赛的亮点雷鬼的全球化和信息的巨大影响。这场比赛是由Michael Thompson和Maria Papaefstathiou创立于2011。伞“雷鬼”由国际雷鬼海报比赛组织者使用,包含了所有的流行音乐流派:牙买加斯卡、摇滚乐、雷鬼音乐、配音、舞厅和独特的牙买加音响系统。

组织的海报比赛的主要原因是构建一个国际平台展示深远的愿景:一个世界级的金斯顿名人堂博物馆和演艺中心雷鬼大厅架设,牙买加庆祝的声音,视觉和牙买加流行音乐词汇。这个大企业理想的建筑师是Frank Gehry,一个名字和鼓舞人心的建筑设计,促进城市转型的同义词。国际雷鬼海报大赛是一项全球运动,利用社会媒体和创意表达的强有力的工具,通过对视觉艺术中的开始。




原始文件:50×70cm (5906×8268px)/300dpi/CMYK/竖式

命名规则:(firstname)-(last name)-for-IRPC2017







Participation in the 6th International Reggae Poster Contest 2017 (IRPC) constitutes your full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these Official Rules and the decisions of Reggae Poster Contest 2016, which are final and binding. Winning is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein in a timely manner.

ENTRY PERIOD: The ENTRY PERIOD of the 6th International Reggae Poster Contest 2017 begins on December 1st, 2017 (12am EST time) and ends on March 1st, 2018 (12am EST time).

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CONTESTANT: You are only allowed to submit original unpublished works to the Reggae poster contest. Also, do NOT publish your submitted poster art on Facebook or other social media until after the winners are announced.

1. Fill in the Submission Form.

A separate submission form must accompany each poster/s submitted, naming each submitted poster.

You must include on the entry form your complete and accurate information, including your e-mail address, your name from your poster Entry or Entries, a description of the submitted poster entry, and all other information requested.

To qualify, your submission must confirm the following specific Contest Rules:

Each entry must be an original unpublished work that you have created that does not include material in which a third party has intellectual property rights.

All information should be completed in English along with a title and a brief description of the poster/s you are submitting, and your biography, a maximum of 200 words. Download the submission form here.


2. Download IRPC Logo.

You don’t have to use our Reggae Hall of Fame Logo. However, here is a link to download a PDF file if you wish to use it. The file can be opened in Illustrator or Photoshop. Download logo here.


3. File Specifications.

The work should be designed: Size/Resolution: 50cm x 70 cm (5906×8268 pixels), 300dpi Color Space: (CMYK) Orientation: Vertical (portrait) Only.

SUBMIT your posters: 

Size: 700×980 pixels.

Resolution: 72 dpi,

Color Mode: RGB,

File Formats Accepted: JPEG.

The file should not exceed the 5mb.


4. Name your files.

IMPORTANT! Please name all 2 submissions (poster, submission form) as (firstname)-(last name)-for-IRPC2017. Those who will not be named as requested will be disqualified.


5. Number of Posters.

Artists/Designers are allowed to submit any number of original poster Entries, however, you may not submit the same entry more than once. IRPC 2017 reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to restrict participation in the Contest to any person at any time for any reason and/or to disqualify any entry at any time for any reason.

Please avoid sending similar posters.


6. Original unpublished work

Each entry must be an original unpublished work that you have created that does not include material in which a third party has intellectual property rights.

Each Entry must not, in the sole discretion of the Intl. Reggae PosterContestt, be obscene, indecent, offensive, violent, hateful, or libellous, or contain any other content otherwise inconsistent with the purposes of the Reggae Poster Contest 2016 as described in these Official Rules and related materials.


7. Do NOT publish your submitted poster art until after the winners are announced.

In case we find your work published on Facebook, your portfolio or other social media your entry will be disqualified immediately.


8. We do not accept promotional or advertising posters.

Please do not enter promotional or advertising poster in the contest, these will not be accepted.


You have time until 1st March, 2018 to send in your posters.
