
2019-11-26  5020 分类:设计资讯




Coloring the Future – Sustainable Development of the Fashion Industry International Conferenc







英国皇家染色家协会(The Society of Dyers and Colourists,简称SDC)是国际上最早最具有影响力的纺织染色及相关染色技术的专业协会组织,成立于1884年,总部设在英国布拉德福德,西约克郡(Bradford, West Yorkshire, UK),SDC致力于推动全球色彩科学和技术,为全球纺织服装供应链提供染色科学技术服务。我们熟知的《Colour Index International》第一版就是由英国皇家染色家协会于1924年出版发行。



1.吴海燕 教授/中国美术学院

Professor Wu Haiyan/ China Academy of Art


Integrated Innovation of Sustainable Development Gathering with National Development Strategy

2. 肖文陵 教授/清华大学美术学院

Professor Xiao Wenling / Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University

《眺望时尚的尽头》Overlook the End of Fashion

3. 苏永刚 教授/四川美术学院设计艺术学院

Professor Su Yonggang / Design Academy, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute

《时尚概念与设计可持续》Fashion Concept and Sustainable Design

4. 袁蓉 书记/上海工程技术大学艺术设计学院

Secretary / Shanghai University of Engineering Science


Intelligence·Customization·Future — Fashion and Technology of Apparel

5. 李正 教授/苏州大学 《多元思维助力时尚产业良性发展》

Professor Li Zheng / Soochow University

Benign Development of Fashion Industry with the Asistance of Pluralistic Thinking

6. 胡迅 教授/浙江理工大学

Professor Hu Xun/ Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

《趣看“国风”潮 》To Study Chinoiserie from An Interesting Angle

7. 李吉淳 博士/韩国大邱大学造型艺术学院

Doctor Kilsoon Lee / College of Arts and Design, Daegu University


A Study on Sustainable Eyewear Design : In Between Traditional Craft Techniques and Avant-Garde Design,

8. 曾凤飞 Design Director Zen Fengfei / Zen Fengfei Fashion Design co. LTD


The Sustainable Development of Contemporary Fashion Design and Colour Application in the Brand of Zen Fengfei

9. 王玉涛 设计总监Design Director Wang Yutao/ Beautyberry

《色彩的傲慢与偏见》Pride and Prejudice of Colour

10. 李小燕 Design Director Li Xiaoyan/ Fang Fang


To Evoke Thought and Exploration of Responsibility-Driven Green Industry

11. Wong Sin-Kang, Raymond 新加坡(Singapore)


The Contemporary Merging of Traditional Costume and Fashion Industry Development.

12. Anne Clotilde OBENICHE, 李凤凰/品牌咨询与创意总监,Merci Gaea咨询中心创始人。Brand Consultant and Creative Director, Founder of Merci Gaea Consulting Agency

Fashion and Innovation《时尚与创意》

现任LlSAA中法时尚设计与品牌管理中心主任. 2007年毕业于巴黎高等应用艺术学院时尚分院。2011年在巴黎创立设计师品牌Blackchapel,自2014起担任Creative Capital的艺术总监兼设计师,2016-2018任Blooming柏明品牌首席设计师兼艺术总监。壇长领域:时尚设计与品牌管理。

Ms. Anne Clotilde OBENICHE, director of LISAA China Fashion Design & Branding Management Center. Graduated from LISAA Mode in Paris since 2007. Founder and Designer of BLACK CHAPEL in Paris in 2011, Art director & Designer for Creative Capital since 2014, Head Designer & Art Director for BLOOMING during 2016-2018. Field of interest: Fashion design and Branding management.

13. 严炯 Design Director Yan Jiong/ SEPTWOLVES


National Color Management of SEPTWOLVES

