国际设计大奖赛,2019第12届波兰Art Moves国际设计奖征集

2019-06-17  5824 分类:设计资讯

国际设计大奖赛,2019第12届波兰Art Moves国际设计奖征集

2019第12届波兰Art Moves国际设计奖征集.webp.jpg


2019第12届波兰Art Moves国际设计奖征集





艺术节日和比赛背后的主要理念是将现代艺术作为与公众对话的形式,并鼓励年轻艺术家创作现实的艺术设计作品。广告牌 - 现代消费的象征,反思和深刻洞察自己和周围环境的对象。







在一个水平布局,100 Dpi, Cmyk, Tiff。

参赛作品必须以30厘米x14.6厘米(11.8英寸x5.7英寸)的水平布局,72dpi, jpg格式提交参赛作品,并附上已填妥的参赛表格。每个jpg文件都应该用艺术家的姓和名来命名。









国际评委将从所有参赛作品中选出10幅最有趣的作品,并将于2019年9月/ 10月在波兰托伦举行的“艺术运动节”期间在城市空间的广告牌上进行印刷和展示。



Billboard Art Competition Art Moves 2019!

Check up for this year’s topic! An impending disaster or a chance to save yourself and the world?

There is no entry fee. The Competition is open and all artists interested in billboard art are invited to take part. The works should be submitted by the 23 July 2019, 0:00 CET via electronic mail to the address: artmoves(at)tlen.pl

10 most interesting works will be displayed on billboards in the city space during the Art Moves Festival in September / October 2019 in Torun, Poland. The author of the most interesting work will receive the Main Award in the amount of PLN 5.000 (about EUR 1 162, USD 1 297).

Artists are invited to prepare an artwork in response to this year’s competition theme An impending disaster or a chance to save yourself and the world?

This competition slogan can be treated as a metaphor of all the processes taking place in the world today. Will the world end soon? Will most species of plants and animals on our planet become extinct soon? Will there be an ecological disaster? Will most people live in extreme poverty, and will the world be constantly at wars? We are drowning in this kind of information that causes fear and paralyses. How to not slip into a depression and defeatism, how to treat the alarming data as a challenge and seek creative solutions? How to hear a wake-up call? How to find hope and energy for action? How to reject old destructive thinking and acting patterns and find new better solutions? How to not slip into pessimism and apathy and believe that a lot depends on us – our lives, other people’s lives, and lives of creatures that surround us? How to go beyond our personal perspective, beyond our own SELF, and notice that each one of us is a part of some larger wholeness – humanity and nature, and has an influence on this wholeness? How to think long term, not only about short-term benefits that turn out harmful in the long run? What good can we do for ourselves, the world, and those who will come after us?

For more information see the Competition Rules.

For more information see the Competition Rules..webp.jpg

Rules of the Art Moves 2019 International Billboard Art Competition

1. The purpose of the Competition is to propagate and popularize billboard art and to encourage artists to create art engaged in the reality.

2. The Competition is open and all artists interested in billboard art are invited to take part, however, the Competition is particularly addressed to young artists, who are usually most eager to face new themes and untypical ways of art presentation. There is no entry fee.

3. The artists taking part in the Competition are invited to prepare an artwork (maximum three pieces), technique is up to you. The work is intended to be a creative response to this year’s Competition theme: An impending disaster or a chance to save yourself and the world?

4. This competition slogan can be treated as a metaphor of all the processes taking place in the world today. Will the world end soon? Will most species of plants and animals on our planet become extinct soon? Will there be an ecological disaster? Will most people live in extreme poverty, and will the world be constantly at wars? We are drowning in this kind of information that causes fear and paralyses. How to not slip into a depression and defeatism, how to treat the alarming data as a challenge and seek creative solutions? How to hear a wake-up call? How to find hope and energy for action? How to reject old destructive thinking and acting patterns and find new better solutions? How to not slip into pessimism and apathy and believe that a lot depends on us – our lives, other people’s lives, and lives of creatures that surround us? How to go beyond our personal perspective, beyond our own SELF, and notice that each one of us is a part of some larger wholeness – humanity and nature, and has an influence on t is wholeness? How to think long term, not only about short-term benefits that turn out harmful in the long run? What good can we do for ourselves, the world, and those who will come after us?

5. Incorporation of the Competition theme in the work is not required and will not have any impact on the evaluation of the work by the jury. If some other slogan or phrase is used in the work, it should be expressed in either Polish or English language.

6. The format of the competition work should be 498 cm x 243 cm (196 inches x 95.7 inches) in a horizontal layout, 100 dpi, cmyk, tiff. In order to take part in the Competition, the artist has to send a  completed entry form and attach a preview of the submitted work in the following format: 30 cm x 14,6 cm (11,8 inches x 5,7 inches) in a horizontal layout, 72 dpi, jpg. Each jpg file should be named with the artist’s first and last name. If more works are submitted, use numbers 1 to3 in addition to the first and last name e.g. adam_smith_1, adam_smith_2, adam_smith_3. IMPORTANT NOTE: At this point of the competition, do NOT attach files of the complete (heavy) works. The Competition organizers will contact the selected artists after the announcement of the jury’s verdict in order to receive the final works to be printed off and displayed on the billboards.

7. Both individual artists and groups of artists can participate in the competition. In case of groups, the following data should be included on the application card: names and surnames of ALL the authors of the work and contact details of ONLY one person who will be representing a group in contacts with the organizers of the competition.

8. The works should be submitted by 23 July 2019, 0:00 CET via electronic mail to the address: artmoves(at)tlen.pl Note! All works and the form should be sent in one e-mail!

9. From all the entries, the jury will select 10 most interesting works which will be printed and displayed on billboards in the city space during the Art Moves Festival in September / October 2019 in Torun, Poland. The best selected work will receive the Main Award in the amount of PLN 5.000 (about EUR1 162, USD 1 297). The winner will be obliged to pay a lump-sum tax on theaward value.

10.The works will be evaluated by a jury panel composed of artists and curators who are recognized authorities specializing in public art.

11.The organizers of the Competition reserve the right to display on the billboards also the works which have not been selected by the jury.

12.The artist who makes a submission to the Competition, automatically consents to free of charge display of his/her work during the Festival and use of the work for information and promotional purposes associated with the Festival and the Competition on the Internet, in printed materials promoting the Festival etc. 


2018第11届波兰Art Moves国际设计奖回顾

The Art Moves International Festival of Art on Billboards 2018 is over!

This year, the theme of the Art Moves Festival was “Who governs our lives: we ourselves, other people or algorithms?”. We invited internationally renowned artists, young authors, and international audience to a common reflection on what really matters and gives meaning to our life.

562 artists from 76 countries entered the competition, we received 1024 artworks from Ukraine, USA, China, Taiwan, Philippines, Russia, Cuba, Great Britain, Iran and many others! The international jury selected 10 most interesting projects which were exhibited on billboards located on Pl. Rapackiego in Toruń. The jury decided to confer the main award to Ying-Hsiu Chen and Hsiang-Ying Chen from Taiwan.

The works of renowned artists participating in the festival were presented on city lights and LED displays located in different parts of Toruń.

We would like to thank all the artists who took part in the festival, the participants in the competition, and all those who contributed to the organisation of this year’s edition of the festival. We would like to express our gratitude for support: Toruń Municipality and the Local Authorities of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region, our partners: AMS SA and MZK w Toruniu, and media sponsorship: TV Toruń, TVP 3 Bydgoszcz, Radio Gra, Arteon, marketingprzykawie.pl, kampaniespołeczne.pl, SpodKopca.pl, Signs.pl, Dzień Dobry Toruń. We would also like to thank our wonderful audience for their active participation in the festival. We hope to see you again next year!

信息来源:波兰Art Moves国际设计奖官网

